Andrew Malcolm May

After graduating from University with a degree in English, Andrew spent several years writing and directing short films, advertisements and corporate videos. Family circumstances took him away from this vocation, however, and with time on his hands, he found himself returning to his first love - writing.

Under the name Calder Garret, he has published:

  1. The Danny Arbor Investigations - This series of hard-boiled crime fiction novels is set in the Australian outback. Four have been published so far, and he's currently working on the fifth.
  2. Kylie Teale Investigates - This collection of cozy mystery short stories also set in the Australian outback. Far more gentle than the Danny Arbor series, this one is suitable for people of all ages. As each story unfolds the reader is taken a strange journey into the quirkiness of people living in rural and remote Australia.
  3. Monster in the Mist - a mystery set in medieval Scotland.

Under the name of David Esplin, Andrew has published a stunning collection of poems called Canvas & Oil. They are seriously good!

And if that's not enough, Andrew has spent most of 2023 writing screenplays, two of which are currently under review by some key players in the Australian film industry.

What will he think of next?