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Category: Eco-magic

Embracing Eco-Fiction and Eco-Magic: A Pathway to Understanding and Action

Embracing Eco-Fiction and Eco-Magic: A Pathway to Understanding and Action

In a world grappling with the profound impacts of climate change and environmental degradation, literature offers a unique and powerful avenue for understanding and engaging with these pressing issues. While eco-fiction and eco-magic are often celebrated as enriching genres for children, they hold immense value for adults as well. These genres blend compelling narratives with critical environmental themes, fostering a deeper connection to our natural world and inspiring meaningful action. Here’s why adults should embrace eco-fiction and eco-magic stories.

Bridging the Gap Between Knowledge and Action

Understanding the complexities of environmental issues can be daunting. Scientific reports, data-driven articles, and technical jargon can sometimes alienate rather than engage. Eco-fiction and eco-magic cut through this barrier by presenting environmental themes in an accessible and emotionally resonant manner. By weaving ecological concerns into the fabric of their narratives, these genres make abstract concepts tangible and relatable. Consider Richard Powers’ Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, “The Overstory”. Through the interwoven lives of its characters and their relationships with trees, Powers crafts a compelling narrative that highlights the interconnectedness of all life forms and the urgent need for environmental stewardship. This novel doesn’t just inform; it transforms readers’ perceptions and encourages them to see the world through a more ecologically mindful lens.

Engaging the Imagination

Eco-magic harnesses the power of imagination to foster a sense of wonder and connection with the natural world. By infusing elements of magic and fantasy into ecological narratives, these stories can captivate readers and transport them to worlds where nature is both powerful and enchanting. Take, for instance, “The Bear and the Nightingale” by Katherine Arden. Set in the wilderness of medieval Russia, this novel blends folklore and magical realism to explore the relationship between humans and the natural world. Through its enchanting narrative, readers are drawn into a world where the respect and preservation of nature are paramount, subtly imparting valuable lessons about environmental stewardship.

Building Empathy and Awareness

One of the most profound impacts of literature is its ability to build empathy. Eco-fiction and eco-magic stories often centre around characters who face environmental challenges, allowing readers to walk in their shoes and experience their struggles and triumphs. This empathetic connection can lead to a greater awareness of environmental issues and a more personal commitment to addressing them. Barbara Kingsolver’s “Flight Behavior” is a poignant example. The novel follows a young woman in rural Tennessee who discovers a valley filled with monarch butterflies displaced by climate change. Through her journey, readers gain insight into the ripple effects of environmental disruption on communities and individuals. Kingsolver’s narrative fosters a deep sense of empathy for both the human and non-human characters affected by these changes.

Inspiring Action and Hope

Eco-fiction and eco-magic do more than highlight problems; they often inspire hope and action. By presenting stories of resilience, innovation, and collaboration, these genres can motivate readers to take steps towards environmental sustainability in their own lives. In “Parable of the Sower” by Octavia Butler, the protagonist’s journey through a dystopian future shaped by climate change and societal collapse offers a stark warning, but also a message of hope and resilience. The novel encourages readers to think critically about their own actions and the collective steps needed to build a sustainable future.

A Community of Conscious Readers

By embracing eco-fiction and eco-magic, adults join a growing community of readers who are not only passionate about literature but also committed to environmental advocacy. These genres offer a shared language and narrative framework for discussing and addressing ecological issues, fostering a sense of solidarity and collective purpose. “Climate Fiction”, an anthology edited by Megan Herbert and Michael E. Mann, brings together stories from diverse voices, each addressing climate change from different angles. This collection demonstrates the power of storytelling to unite readers and inspire a collective response to global challenges.

Bringing it all together

Written for children, Molly’s Magical Adventures is a series of highly imaginative stories that follow the plight of two kids: 10 year old Molly and 12 year old Michael. Both passionate about science and nature, their sense of logic is challenged when they encounter several strange and magical things in the middle of the jungle of Papua New Guinea. Nothing is as it seems which makes them determined to understand. Through their investigations, and their relationships with local people, they come to a deeper appreciation of the deep and complex connections between all living things. Through these experiences, they develop empathy and a fierce desire to help protect the natural environment against unnatural forces. The climax of the series occurs when they take on the evil ghost man, the genius master mind of a company that is exploiting the region’s natural resources. Molly and Michael’s actions are strategic, yet swift and effective, resulting in the public exposure of the exploitation of the natural world. I additional to its magical and ecological themes, the series is also a testament to the power of friendship and resilience.


Eco-fiction and eco-magic are far more than entertainment; they are vital tools for understanding, empathizing with, and addressing the environmental crises we face. By engaging with these genres, adults can deepen their ecological awareness, build empathy, and find inspiration for action. In a time when the need for environmental stewardship is more urgent than ever, eco-fiction and eco-magic offer a pathway to not just envisioning a better world, but actively participating in its creation. So, pick up a novel that blends the wonders of the natural world with the power of imagination. Let its story guide you towards a deeper understanding and a renewed commitment to the planet we all share. 🌍📚✨


Green Reading: The Eco-Friendly Revolution in Literature

Green Reading: The Eco-Friendly Revolution in Literature

In our digital age, when ecological sustainability is more critical than ever, “green reading” emerges as a powerful way to enjoy literature without sacrificing trees. But the concept goes beyond the content of the books themselves, extending to the broader impact of our reading habits and choices on the planet. As a website dedicated exclusively to e-books, we at Opal Tree Press champion the principles of green reading by offering a sustainable alternative to traditional paper books. Here are the key aspects of “green reading”:

Content and Themes

  • Eco-Fiction: We publish fiction that weaves ecological themes, environmental issues, and conservation messages into captivating stories. These narratives highlight the importance of nature, sustainability, and environmental stewardship, enriching our understanding of the planet’s needs.
  • Non-Fiction: Educate yourself with informative books that delve into environmental science, conservation efforts, sustainable living practices, and climate change. Non-fiction literature serves as a vital tool for raising awareness and driving informed action.

Eco-Friendly Publishing

  • Sustainable Materials: While our focus is on e-books to eliminate paper use, we still celebrate publishers who use recycled paper and environmentally friendly inks for their print editions. Their efforts in adopting sustainable practices significantly reduce the environmental impact of book production.
  • Digital Reading: Embrace the digital revolution by opting for e-books and audiobooks. This shift not only conserves paper but also cuts down on waste, supporting a more sustainable reading habit.

Reading Initiatives

  • Environmental Literacy Programs: Participate in educational initiatives designed to increase awareness and understanding of environmental issues. Through reading programs in schools and communities, we can cultivate a generation of eco-conscious individuals.
  • Book Clubs and Discussion Groups: Join groups dedicated to reading and discussing literature with environmental themes. These communities foster a collective consciousness and motivate members to act on their newfound knowledge.

Promoting Green Practices

  • Libraries and Book Sharing: Utilize public libraries, engage in book swaps, and explore second-hand bookstores. These practices help reduce the demand for new books and promote a culture of recycling and reuse.
  • Minimalist Reading Habits: Advocate for mindful consumption by focusing on quality over quantity. Choose books that contribute to environmental awareness and education, ensuring each read has a meaningful impact.

Personal Impact

  • Behavioral Change: Let the knowledge and values gained from eco-literature inspire you to adopt more sustainable lifestyles and practices. Small changes in our daily habits can lead to significant environmental benefits.
  • Advocacy and Action: Use your newfound awareness to get involved in environmental activism and community initiatives. Your voice and actions can help protect and preserve our planet for future generations.

In conclusion, “green reading” is about making conscious choices in what we read and how we read, aiming to reduce our environmental footprint while fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of ecological issues. By supporting e-books and sustainable practices, we can collectively contribute to a healthier planet and a more informed society. Join us in this green reading revolution and make every read a step towards a better world.

The value of eco-fiction for children

The value of eco-fiction for children

Environmental concerns are increasingly at the forefront of our collective consciousness and fostering a sense of ecological awareness in the younger generation is more crucial than ever. Eco-fiction, a genre of literature that incorporates ecological themes and narratives, serves as a powerful tool in this endeavour. Specifically, eco-fiction for children plays a significant role in educating and inspiring young minds about the environment. This genre not only entertains but also instils a deep appreciation of the natural world, preparing children to become thoughtful and proactive stewards of the planet.

The values of eco-fiction

One of the primary values of eco-fiction for children is its ability to make complex environmental issues accessible and relatable. Children, particularly those in the 7-12 age range, are naturally curious and imaginative. Eco-fiction taps into these traits by presenting environmental themes in engaging and often magical narratives. Through relatable characters and captivating plots, eco-fiction helps children grasp the importance of topics such as conservation, climate change, and biodiversity in a manner that is both educational and enjoyable.

For instance, stories about animals facing habitat loss can evoke empathy and a sense of responsibility in young readers. When children read about a fictional forest being threatened by deforestation, they not only learn about the real-world issue but also emotionally connect with the characters and their plight. This emotional connection is a powerful motivator, encouraging children to care about and take action on behalf of the environment.

Moreover, eco-fiction often includes child protagonists as relatable role models for young readers. These characters, who take bold steps to protect their environment, inspire young readers to believe that they too can make a difference. By showcasing young heroes who engage in environmental activism, eco-fiction empowers children to see themselves as capable agents of change. This sense of empowerment is crucial in cultivating a generation that is proactive about environmental conservation.

In addition to fostering empathy and empowerment, eco-fiction also promotes critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Many eco-fiction stories involve characters who must find creative solutions to environmental challenges. As readers follow these journeys, they learn to think critically about the issues presented and consider potential solutions. This problem-solving aspect of eco-fiction encourages children to think beyond the story, applying their newfound knowledge and skills to real-world situations.

Furthermore, eco-fiction can spark a lifelong interest in nature and science. By weaving ecological themes into compelling narratives, these stories can ignite a passion for learning more about the natural world. Children who develop an early interest in ecology and environmental science are more likely to pursue these fields in the future, contributing to the ongoing efforts to understand and protect our planet.

In addition to its educational benefits, eco-fiction provides an avenue for families to bond over shared reading experiences. Parents and children can read eco-fiction books together, discussing the themes and lessons they encounter. These discussions can extend beyond the pages of the book, leading to family activities such as nature walks, gardening, or participating in local environmental initiatives. Such shared experiences not only reinforce the lessons learned from eco-fiction but also strengthen family bonds and foster a collective commitment to environmental stewardship.

Molly’s Magical Adventures

A notable example of eco-fiction that exemplifies these values is our series: Molly’s Magical Adventures . Written for children aged 7-12, this series has captivated not only young readers but also adults who appreciate its rich storytelling and ecological themes. “Molly’s Magical Adventures” follows the journey of Molly, a young girl who discovers her unique ability to communicate with nature. Through her magical adventures, Molly learns about the delicate balance of ecosystems, the impact of human activities on the environment, and the importance of conservation.

The series masterfully combines fantasy with real-world ecological lessons, making it both entertaining and educational. Readers are drawn into Molly’s enchanting world, where they encounter talking animals, enchanted forests, and mystical creatures, all of which serve to highlight important environmental messages. As Molly navigates various challenges to protect her magical world, readers are encouraged to think about how they can protect their own environment.

Molly’s Magical Adventures not only entertains but also inspires. The character of Molly serves as a relatable and admirable role model for young readers, demonstrating that even the smallest actions can make a big difference. Her adventures encourage children to be curious about the natural world, to ask questions, and to seek out ways to make positive changes in their own communities.


In conclusion, eco-fiction for children is a valuable genre that offers numerous benefits. It makes environmental issues accessible and relatable, fosters empathy and a sense of responsibility, promotes critical thinking and problem-solving skills, sparks an interest in nature and science, and provides opportunities for family bonding. The Molly’s Magical Adventures series is a prime example of how eco-fiction can educate, inspire, and entertain, making it an excellent choice for young readers and their families. By nurturing a love for the environment through engaging stories, eco-fiction helps prepare the next generation to be informed and proactive stewards of our planet.

World Problems in Need of Creative Solutions from Children

World Problems in Need of Creative Solutions from Children

Humanity seems to be rapidly approaching a tipping point at which our survival will depend on our ability to address complex and interrelated challenges. It seems that now, more than ever, we need creative thinking if we are to navigate these issues and find innovative solutions to the problems of our time. For what it’s worth, here are some of my thoughts:

Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability

We know that global warming is happening. It’s causing rising temperatures and extreme weather events that threaten ecosystems and human communities. We also know that our history of overconsumption and mismanagement of natural resources (i.e., water, soil, and biodiversity) is causing problems. Not to mention pollution (of our air, water, and soil) and its impact on the health of all living things.

Mainstream science would tell us that the solutions to these problems might be found in renewable energy sources, energy-efficient technologies, sustainable agricultural practices and eco-friendly products, buildings, and transportation systems that minimize environmental impact. Add to this, a commitment to government and corporate policies that incentivize sustainable practices and promote environmental conservation, and we might be able to ‘pull a rabbit out of a hat’ in the nick of time.

But no-one seems to be talking about the power of the planet’s children. Clearly, they will be lumbered with the legacy of these problems so it makes sense to engage them in the formation of solutions. When awakened to creative thinking, and empowered to contribute, there isn’t much that children can’t imagine or  perceive.

Public Health and Pandemics

From the covid pandemic, we learned that our mortality could be more fragile than we’d previously assumed. There were movements suggesting that we, humanity, could be the next extinction event. Some even purported that we should be. Global travel, urbanization, unequal access to healthcare services and resources, and the increasing prevalence of mental health issues join this cocktail of concern.

We’re told that new vaccines, treatments, and diagnostic tools using cutting-edge technologies (i.e., CRISPR and AI) have the potential to transform these health crises. Alongside telehealth services for underserved areas and creative communication strategies, we might just combat misinformation.

But where are the voices of children in these strategies?

Food Security and Agriculture

Population growth has (almost) exponentially increased the demand for food. Yet climate change is adversely affecting crop yields and other food production systems. We clearly need to alter our paradigms to embrace sustainable farming practices if we want long-term food security across our glorious planet. Sustainable protein sources like lab-grown meat, plant-based proteins, and insect farming are in development, as are reverse engineering of supply chains.

Are children participating in these developments? I’m not seeing or hearing evidence that they are. Shouldn’t they be empowered to understand how the world’s food is grown, made, created, and delivered? Shouldn’t they be empowered to participate in the generation of alternative ideas and the formation of transformational solutions?

Economic Stability and Inequality

The growing inequality of household incomes is exacerbating socio-economic instability. Many fear that automation and AI-led tasks will increase unemployment. Add to this the growing inequity in access to education and jobs, and we’ve really got a recipe for mass despair.

We hear about economic policies that will promote wealth distribution and provide social safety nets. We’re also told that new job opportunities in emerging fields like green technology, digital economy, and creative industries will deliver positive change to our economies. Add to this, positive language about lifelong learning and upskilling opportunities, and we could feel some optimism.

But again, the voices of children seem to be missing from the development of solutions to our socio-economic issues. Yet the education system is filled with highly qualified teachers, aids, healthcare workers, and supporters who could be vital facilitators of children’s ideas. If only the education system would permit them to do so.

Social Cohesion and Political Stability

Increasing political divisions and societal conflicts, plus mass migration and human displacement, are adding to the burden of our times. Whatever the motivation—climate change, totalitarian regimes or terrorism—human displacement is on the rise. To add to the trauma of the traumatized, we use the term ‘illegal immigration’ to describe those who have fled for their lives.

We’re told that the answers lie in creative approaches to conflict resolution, strategies for building community resilience, community-based programs that promote social cohesion and support vulnerable populations. The supporting infrastructure will apparently include digital platforms that will foster dialogue, understanding, and collaboration among diverse groups.

Where are the voices in children in the formation of these policies? You may think children are not competent to participate in such discussions. Is it more likely that governments, regulatory authorities, and policy-makers are not competent listeners? 

Including the voices of children

Including children in the development of solutions to the world’s most pressing problems is not just an opportunity but a necessity. Children offer fresh perspectives unburdened by the constraints of conventional thinking. Their creativity and innovative potential can lead to ground breaking ideas and solutions that adults may overlook. By empowering and involving them now, we can surely cultivate a generation of engaged, informed, and proactive global citizens.

Let’s start with fiction

The vision of child empowerment is powerfully reflected in best-selling adventure stories where children are transformational leaders. In the “Harry Potter” books, young wizards confront and defeat dark forces, demonstrating bravery and ingenuity. In “The Hunger Games”, we read about Katniss Everdeen, a teenager who inspires and leads a rebellion against a totalitarian regime. And in “Percy Jackson & The Olympians”, young demigods embark on quests to save the world from ancient evils.

These narratives not only captivate readers but also illustrate the profound impact of youthful determination and creativity in driving positive change. By publishing more stories where children are transformational leaders of profound change, we can inspire real-world action and highlight the vital role young minds play in shaping our future.

Molly’s Magical Adventures

This theme is central to my fiction series: Molly’s Magical Adventures a science fiction and eco-magic series for children aged 7-12. In this series, Molly and Michael, two passionate young scientists, uncover and address environmental mysteries in the jungles of Papua New Guinea. Their adventures showcase the curiosity and courage of children as cornerstones to significant change. Readers have praised the series for its mix of hardcore science, engaging characters, and vivid settings, likening it to classic adventures but updated for today’s audience.

An integrative strategy

Surely, by publishing more stories in which child protagonists are the leaders of transformational change, we can begin to inspire the next generation of humans to take an active role in solving the world’s problems and protecting our planet. Additional components to an integrative strategy might be:

  • Educational Integration: Incorporate these books into school curriculums to foster critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity. Use accompanying lesson plans that encourage discussion and projects related to the themes in the stories.
  • Interactive Workshops and Activities: Organize workshops where children can engage in hands-on activities related to the book’s themes, such as environmental science experiments or creative writing exercises that promote innovative thinking.
  • Parental and Community Involvement: Encourage parents and community leaders to participate in reading and discussion groups with children. This creates a supportive environment where children’s ideas are valued and expanded upon.
  • Digital Platforms and Apps: Develop digital platforms or apps that complement the books with interactive features, such as virtual reality experiences of the story settings, games that involve solving environmental problems, and forums for children to share their ideas and solutions.
  • Youth Leadership Programs: Establish programs that promote leadership skills among young readers. These programs can include mentorship opportunities, public speaking engagements, and community service projects inspired by the themes of the books.
  • Collaborations with Nonprofits and Environmental Organizations: Partner with organizations focused on sustainability and child empowerment to create joint initiatives that encourage children to actively participate in real-world problem-solving efforts.
  • Competitions and Challenges: Organize competitions and challenges where children can present their own innovative ideas and solutions to global problems, inspired by the adventures and challenges faced by the characters in the books.

Implementing these strategies might ensure that children are not only inspired by stories of young heroes but also equipped and empowered to become leaders and innovators in their own right. Surely it’s worth a try, right? What do you think? Let us know in the comments section.

Is eco-magic a thing?

Is eco-magic a thing?

Eco-magic is a recognized concept within the broader realm of genre fiction, often intersecting with eco-fiction and eco-fantasy. These genres focus on the relationship between humans and the natural environment, embedding ecological themes into their narratives.


Eco-fiction is a genre that emphasizes the environment and humanity’s connection to it. It often explores themes related to nature, environmental conservation, and the impact of human activity on the planet. This genre can encompass various styles, including magical realism, speculative fiction, and traditional literary fiction. Examples include works by authors like Margaret Atwood, whose novel “Oryx and Crake” examines ecological devastation, and N.K. Jemisin’s “The Broken Earth” trilogy, which addresses environmental collapse and human interaction with nature.


Eco-fantasy, a subgenre of eco-fiction, blends fantasy elements with ecological themes. It often features magical settings where environmental issues play a central role in the story. For instance, Heather Fawcett’s “Emily Wilde’s Encyclopaedia of Faeries” combines a scientific approach to understanding faeries with environmental exploration. Similarly, Joshua Phillip Johnson’s “The Forever Sea” uses a magical world of grass seas to delve into ecological concerns and human impact on the environment​.

Role and Impact

These genres entertain while raising awareness of pressing environmental issues, inspiring readers to reflect on their relationship with the natural world and consider sustainable practices. By integrating ecological themes with engaging storytelling, eco-fiction and eco-fantasy offer a unique and impactful way to address climate change, conservation, and environmental ethics​.

Why encourage children to read eco-magic?

I don’t just pose this question because I’ve authored an eco-magic series called Molly’s Magical Adventures but because I am deeply concerned about the ecological disasters we’re leaving behind for them to clean up. Empowering children with nuggets of insight on the value of the natural world must therefore be a good thing. Here are a few more reasons:

Environmental Awareness and Education—Eco-magic stories blend ecological themes with magical elements, making complex environmental issues more accessible and engaging for young readers. Through captivating narratives, children can learn about the importance of nature, conservation, and the impacts of human activities on the environment. This can foster a sense of responsibility and stewardship from an early age​.

Imagination and Creativity—Eco-magic stories stimulate imagination and creativity by combining the fantastical with the natural world. These stories often feature magical creatures, enchanted forests, and otherworldly landscapes that captivate children’s minds. This imaginative engagement can encourage children to think creatively about real-world problems and potential solutions.

Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving—Many eco-magic narratives involve characters who must solve environmental problems or face challenges related to the natural world. By following these stories, children can develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. They learn to analyze situations, understand cause and effect, and think about the long-term consequences of actions on the environment​.

Empathy and Connection with Nature—Eco-magic stories often portray a deep connection between characters and their natural surroundings. This can help children develop empathy for living things and an appreciation for biodiversity. Understanding that all creatures and ecosystems are interconnected can instil a sense of respect and care for the environment.

Inspiration for Action—By reading about characters who take action to protect their environment, children can be inspired to engage in their own conservation efforts. These stories can motivate them to participate in activities like recycling, tree planting, and other eco-friendly practices. This sense of empowerment can lead to lifelong habits of environmental stewardship​.


Such books can serve as valuable tools for parents and teachers to introduce children to environmental concepts in an engaging and memorable way​. They not only entertain but also instil valuable lessons about the environment, fostering a generation of environmentally conscious and creative thinkers. Learn more about the eco-magic series: Molly’s Magical Adventures

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