Is eco-magic a thing?

Is eco-magic a thing?

Eco-magic is a recognized concept within the broader realm of genre fiction, often intersecting with eco-fiction and eco-fantasy. These genres focus on the relationship between humans and the natural environment, embedding ecological themes into their narratives.


Eco-fiction is a genre that emphasizes the environment and humanity’s connection to it. It often explores themes related to nature, environmental conservation, and the impact of human activity on the planet. This genre can encompass various styles, including magical realism, speculative fiction, and traditional literary fiction. Examples include works by authors like Margaret Atwood, whose novel “Oryx and Crake” examines ecological devastation, and N.K. Jemisin’s “The Broken Earth” trilogy, which addresses environmental collapse and human interaction with nature.


Eco-fantasy, a subgenre of eco-fiction, blends fantasy elements with ecological themes. It often features magical settings where environmental issues play a central role in the story. For instance, Heather Fawcett’s “Emily Wilde’s Encyclopaedia of Faeries” combines a scientific approach to understanding faeries with environmental exploration. Similarly, Joshua Phillip Johnson’s “The Forever Sea” uses a magical world of grass seas to delve into ecological concerns and human impact on the environment​.

Role and Impact

These genres entertain while raising awareness of pressing environmental issues, inspiring readers to reflect on their relationship with the natural world and consider sustainable practices. By integrating ecological themes with engaging storytelling, eco-fiction and eco-fantasy offer a unique and impactful way to address climate change, conservation, and environmental ethics​.

Why encourage children to read eco-magic?

I don’t just pose this question because I’ve authored an eco-magic series called Molly’s Magical Adventures but because I am deeply concerned about the ecological disasters we’re leaving behind for them to clean up. Empowering children with nuggets of insight on the value of the natural world must therefore be a good thing. Here are a few more reasons:

Environmental Awareness and Education—Eco-magic stories blend ecological themes with magical elements, making complex environmental issues more accessible and engaging for young readers. Through captivating narratives, children can learn about the importance of nature, conservation, and the impacts of human activities on the environment. This can foster a sense of responsibility and stewardship from an early age​.

Imagination and Creativity—Eco-magic stories stimulate imagination and creativity by combining the fantastical with the natural world. These stories often feature magical creatures, enchanted forests, and otherworldly landscapes that captivate children’s minds. This imaginative engagement can encourage children to think creatively about real-world problems and potential solutions.

Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving—Many eco-magic narratives involve characters who must solve environmental problems or face challenges related to the natural world. By following these stories, children can develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. They learn to analyze situations, understand cause and effect, and think about the long-term consequences of actions on the environment​.

Empathy and Connection with Nature—Eco-magic stories often portray a deep connection between characters and their natural surroundings. This can help children develop empathy for living things and an appreciation for biodiversity. Understanding that all creatures and ecosystems are interconnected can instil a sense of respect and care for the environment.

Inspiration for Action—By reading about characters who take action to protect their environment, children can be inspired to engage in their own conservation efforts. These stories can motivate them to participate in activities like recycling, tree planting, and other eco-friendly practices. This sense of empowerment can lead to lifelong habits of environmental stewardship​.


Such books can serve as valuable tools for parents and teachers to introduce children to environmental concepts in an engaging and memorable way​. They not only entertain but also instil valuable lessons about the environment, fostering a generation of environmentally conscious and creative thinkers. Learn more about the eco-magic series: Molly’s Magical Adventures

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